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Stress Relief

Want to be more focused in your meditations? This crystal set can help you!

These are all natural high-vibration crystals, specifically chosen to support the solar plexus chakra. Come see how to use it to quickly restore the energy cycle of your body and mind, and clear away impurities!


Money & Love

In manifestation, it is difficult to succeed when one's own [energy] does not match the expectations.
This is when you can use the [power of nature] to boost your own energy. This Crystal Essential Oil Candle is a unique product that combines crystal healing with aromatherapy. The active ingredients in the essential oil resonate with the energy of the crystals, enhancing their specific energies.



After many journeys, I finally made up my mind to start a healing journey in my life.
In Nepal, I hiked 100 kilometers with the Himalayan winds blowing in my direction and nature melting into one. In Tibet, I stepped over the 1,080 steps of the Potala Palace and stood at an altitude of 3,700, the palace closest to the sun. Surrounded by mountains and devotion, the power of faith prayed for me.

I met artists and poor but hopeful, bright-eyed people, and together we drank tea, burned incense, and meditated. Their resilience inspired me. I quit bad habits and found more meaning in meditation. Now, I am creating an online platform to support artists and people in need in these areas.